Carl F. Wimar (1828-1862)
Carl F. Wimar immigrated with his family to St. Louis in the 1840s. He returned to his native Germany to attend the Art Academy in Düsseldorf where he studied under Emmanuel Leutze.
He then returned to the United States where he determined to paint the Native Americans.
After several expeditions on which he gained first hand experience with the plains Indians as well as his home based at the major trading post of St. Louis, Wimar painted enduring images of the plains Indians.
My 1991 exhibition and accompanying publication (Abrams) are the principal resources on the artist.
In addition, I published an essay in a catalogue in cooperation with the Düsseldorfer Institut für amerikanische Volkerkunde (Rheinlandia Verlag, 2000).
I maintain a database of all known works created by this German-American artist in his brief career.